INSPIRED by St. Maximilian KOLBE|Anthony D'Ambrosio, Filmaker| Episode #005

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Episode #005

Title: INSPIRED by St. Maximilian KOLBE|Anthony D'Ambrosio, Filmaker| Episode #005


During a difficult season of life, Anthony D'Ambrosio saw a picture of St. Maximillian Kolbe's desk that sparked an instant connection. Today, Anthony is producing a feature-length film about the final days of Kolbe's life - - the days after Kolbe voluntarily took the place of another man to serve out a death sentence by starvation with a group of fellow captives at Auschwitz.

Anthony's creative vision and story-telling ability are only matched by his quick wit and his ability to build faith-filled communities.  This episode of the BeatiDudes weaves together the stories and adventures of many seeking all that is true, good, and beautiful.

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