Juan Diego Podcaster | José Manuel De Urquidi | Episode #089

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Episode #089

Title: Juan Diego Podcaster | José Manuel De Urquidi | Episode #089


José Manuel De Urquidi José is the founder of Juan Diego & Co., a group dedicated to helping brands and organizations connect with Latinos. After realizing early success and serving a niche in the podcast market, José left everything to start Juan Diego Network and create high-quality audio productions for Latinos.  Juan Diego Network was recognized early on for its impact and won the 2020 OSV Innovation Challenge

In 2023, José was nominated by the Latin American Bishop Conference and appointed by the Holy Father as a non-bishop voting delegate in the month-long sessions of October 2023 and October 2024 in the Vatican.

José is no stranger to innovation and experimentation, and he finds strength in the inspiration and faithfulness of Juan Diego. Almost 500 years ago, Juan Diego said yes to Our Lady of Guadalupe and brought millions to know and love Jesus.  Today, José is helping many more to say “Yes” to new evangelization methods. He has launched over 90 podcasts and loves experimenting with different styles and approaches.  

On Blessed are the Joke Makers, the Dudes must take on the persona of the coolest hipster to address the prompt, “I would like _______ for Christmas.”

On the TBD Question of the Day, the Dudes all answer the question, “What is something you’ve struggled with recently?”

On Reverse Simpsons, José, Paul, and Nick must collectively take on a series of 3 brain teasers led by Jeff. Will they get them all?

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