We are Longing to Obey | Fr. John Bayer, O.Cist. | Episode #185

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Fr. John Bayer traveled to the Vatican Valley on foot to join Paul Kolker, Nick Bezner, and Jeff Schiefelbein in the BeatiDudes studio for this look into his life’s journey.

Fr. John Bayer, ordained a priest and Cistercian Monk in 2013, entered the monastic life at Our Lady of Dallas in 2007. He teaches English, Latin, and Theology at Cistercian Preparatory School and is an adjunct professor of theology at the University of Dallas.

Fr. John completed his doctorate in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, focusing on the works of St. Anselm of Canterbury. In addition to his academic and pastoral work, he enjoys various outdoor activities, including hiking and camping, and finds spiritual enrichment in nature.

Fr. John’s YouTube channel


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