Did You DUNK on a MONK? | John Cannon, SENT Ventures | Episode #011

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Episode #011

Title: Did You DUNK on a MONK? | John Cannon, SENT Ventures | Episode #011


The BeatiDudes welcome John Cannon, Founder of SENT Ventures.

After early career success, John joined the Carmelite order and lived a contemplative, cloistered life of prayer and study. While researching church renewal movements, John realized that one of the most powerful tools for renewal is entrepreneurship. This led John to discern out of the monastery and into the business world to build a community that supports Catholic entrepreneurs and builders.

Learn more about the fruits that come from building community through authentic friendships while also going deeper in your personal prayer journey. And join The BeatiDudes in reflecting on this episode’s TBD Question (TBD = The BeatiDudes) - - What is your business kryptonite?

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